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Shaved Legs


There are two methods of removing hair from your persons. Waxing or Sugaring.

Waxing is a fast, efficient method of hair removal that leaves your skin smooth and has many lasting benefits. Waxing removes the hair from the very root of the follicle, so the hair itself grows back finer and thinner, leaving you smoother for longer. Another benefit of waxing is the natural exfoliation and removal of dead skin cells that reveals radiant skin that is soft and fresh.

Sugaring is another method that removes the hair also from the root of the follicle but doesn't adhere to the skin so there is less irritation and redness. Sugaring is a natural method using three simple ingredients to make the sugar paste - water, sugar, and lemon juice (citric acid). 

Both methods are fast, temporary ways to remove unwanted hair and simply boil down to preference of the person and technique applied by the technician.

For the most optimal results, pre-treatment is encouraged to be done at least 24 hours before your appointment. These steps help to prep the skin for the service.

Pre-Treatment Steps:

- Do not trim or shave hair as it will inhibit the effectiveness of the wax/sugar paste. Hair should be at least 1/4 to 1/2 inch in length for the best results.

- Exfoliate the area to be serviced at least 24 hours before to release any trapped hair under the skin.

- Do not drink any caffeinated beverages before the service. Opt out instead for a tea or water.

- Wear loose clothing to your appointment to ensure your skin can breathe.

- Shower and clean your skin before your appointment if you can. Cleansing wipes can be provided if needed.

- Apply a light moisturizing lotion to your skin.

- If you are most sensitive than most, take an ibuprofen at least an hour before the appointment.

Fill out the intake form and be sure communicate your expectations for your service with your specialist.

Booking an appointment is smooth & easy!

Just review the available dates & times to reserve your spot!

Brazilian Waxing/Sugaring

 The Brazilian Wax is the removal of all hair in the bikini area & posterior. In this intimate area, attention to being gentle but firm is best to remove all hair and avoid as much discomfort as possible.

Lasts up to 3-4 weeks.

all genders welcome

Facial Hair Removal

Some of us grow facial hair and love it.. and some of us grow facial hair and don't. Whether it's a uni-brow, a mustache, or thick sideburns, you can remove those hairs and have smooth skin to showcase.

Lasts up to 2-3 weeks.

all genders welcome

All-Over Body Waxing/Sugaring

From your shoulders to your toes, get rid of the hair that you don't want to show. Body hair removal can be done in one area or combining two or more areas to remove some or all hair. 

Lasts up to 3-4 weeks depending on the chosen area.

all genders welcome

* Bikini Line
* Inner Thighs
* Genital Area
* Posterior
* Eyebrows (Wax Only)
* Chin

* Lip Line
* Neck
* Sideburns
* Arms
* Back
* Chest
* Legs
* Underarms
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